Diary of the Barmaid.

That push up??
It never works…
These babies sag..
Really saaag!!

Today morning: Real bad headache. Baaad. Keg has never been my thing.
Or maybe it is…
Always mixing these concoctions.. Whatever they buy.

My boss always strict, once they on the cash register, hard to convert them to cash, or something smoother.

My kid is tough, suckling these breasts..
never gets high. And yes… I see them judge me… Whore… Prostitute…lose.. Who gives a f?? Just another day trying to feed an empty stomach.

I endure those insults, spanks, brushing that smelly chest against my boobs, the stench of that urinal, being friendly when hormones are on overdrive…..

At the end of the day.. Am just another girl crying in the shower… I love, I lust, I hate, I loathe…just like you. 

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